Hamilton County. Regional Planning Commission. Architectural survey, 1976-1980: Finding aid


Finding Aid Title
Hamilton County. Regional Planning Commission. Architectural survey, 1976-1980: Finding aid
Collection Title
Hamilton County Historical and Architectural Survey
Date Created
Hamilton County. Regional Planning Commission
12 linear feet in 24 boxes.
The survey consists of a survey form, and in most cases a black-and-white Polaroid photograph, of each survey sites. On some of the surveys, one photograph illustrates several addresses or building styles. For example, a street with workers’ cottages will have one photograph as an example of all the houses on that street or block. Many of the downtown photographs contain several businesses in one photograph, and they are identified.

The consultants identified addresses, building occupants, and building dates using maps and city directories in the Chattanooga Public Library. Many of the rural photographs lack a specific address and information.

The survey grant covered Chattanooga city limits and significant sites in Hamilton County. Most of Red Bank and East Ridge were not part of the survey. The following volunteers covered areas not in the Chattanooga city limits: Kurt Stagmier detailed Signal Mountain. Kay Gaston prepared forms for Walden. Grant Chapin surveyed Lookout Mountain. The James County Historical Society covered the east end of Hamilton County.

The committee took photographs and prepared forms primarily from 1976-1977, though there is some data from a later date.
Acc. 352
The Chattanooga-Hamilton Regional Planning Commission created the Chattanooga Landmarks Survey Committee in 1976. The Committee planned to identify and record buildings, sites, and monuments of historical, prehistorical, and architectural significance. Buildings were to be at least 50 years old at the time of the survey, though there are some in the survey that are younger. Kenneth Brandenburg served as committee chairman. Janice Nolen, graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, conducted, prepared, and filed survey results. Bill Barton worked as a photographic assistant. The Community Development Office, Department of Housing and Urban Development, funded the project.

By November 1976, the survey staff had conducted research in the library on construction dates and occupants of businesses and residences. In 1977, the committee hired consultants Kim Zarney and Robert Gaede of Townscape to prepare the finished product. Information on potential historical register sites was sent to the Tennessee State Historical Commission. Survey results and historical findings were published in Chattanooga-Hamilton County Landmarks Survey & Preservation Plan in 1977.
Collection is open for access.
Historic buildings -- Tennessee -- Hamilton County -- Photographs
Businesses -- Tennessee -- Hamilton County -- Photographs
Churches -- Tennessee -- Hamilton County
Historic preservation
Street photography -- Tennessee -- Chattanooga
Item sets
Finding Aids

Position: 762 (17 views)