Joe Walters Joe was a schoolmate of the Walkers at Walnut Grove School and Mackies Schoolhouse. Photo was made in the cemetery at Concord Baptist Church in East Brainerd.
Dona V. Davidson in her hiking suit Dona lived at 808 S. Greenwood Avenue and worked as a stenographer when photo was taken. Original negative not kep.
Dona V. Davidson in her hiking suit Dona lived at 808 S. Greenwood Avenue and worked as a stenographer when photo was taken. Original negative not kep.
Dona V. Davidson in hiking suit Dona lived at 808 S. Greenwood Avenue and worked as a stenographer when photo was taken. Original negative not kep.
Left to right: Samuel Henry Wofford, W. F. Carmichael, John Taylor Davidson at the Concord Baptist Cemetery in East Brainerd All are old citizens of Hamilton County, East Brainerd area, and members of Concord Baptist Church.
Charles Wesley Lusk and friend Judge Lusk served as Hamilton County criminal court judge from 1926 to 1942. Before that, he taught school and worked as a lawyer.
Charles Wesley Lusk and his automobile Judge Lusk served as Hamilton County criminal court judge 1926 to 1942. Prior to that, he taught school in Bradley County and worked as a lawyer in Chattanooga from 1912 to 1924.
Judge Charles Wesley Lusk Judge Lusk served as Hamilton County criminal court judge from 1926 to 1942. Before that, he taught school and worked as a lawyer.
Judge Charles Wesley Lusk Judge Lusk served as Hamilton County criminal court judge 1926 to 1942. Prior to that, he taught school in Bradley County and worked as a lawyer in Chattanooga from 1912 to 1924.
Samuel Tyndale Wilson, president, Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn.
T. R. Hackworth, R. S. Walker, and Mrs. Anita Brittain at Spring Frog cabin Mr. Hackworth and his daughter Anita Brittain visit Robert Sparks Walker at the Cherokee cabin.
Arthur Newlin Leeds, botanist Arthur Leeds was a founder and treasurer for 45 years with the Philadelphia Botanical Club. He was a Quaker and was active with the Friends of Philadelphia.
Dr. Palmer and Dr. Edgar T. Wherry Dr. Palmer was a botanist from Swarthmore College. Dr. Edgar T. Wherry was a botanist from the University of Pennsylvania.
Meteorite at Poplar Springs, Catoosa County, Georgia The Chattanooga Times, 11-14-1946, reported a story on a meteorite falling in Catoosa County in 1854. The article mentioned 5 Chattanoogans, one of whom was Robert Sparks Walker, who made trip in 1941 to see the meteorite.The photo is dated May 1935.
Meteorite at Poplar Springs, Catoosa County, Georgia The Chattanooga Times, 11-14-1946, reported a story on a meteorite falling in Catoosa County in 1854. The article mentioned 5 Chattanoogans, one of whom was Robert Sparks Walker, who made trip in 1941 to see the meteorite.The photo is dated May 1935.
Four Chattanoogans visiting Poplar Springs, Georgia, meteorite site The Chattanooga Times, 11-14-1946, reported a story on a meteorite falling in Catoosa County in 1854. The article mentioned 5 Chattanoogans, one of whom was Robert Sparks Walker, who made trip in 1941 to see the meteorite.The photo is dated May 1935.
Chattanoogan at meteorite site in Poplar Springs, Catoosa County, Georgia The Chattanooga Times, 11-14-1946, reported a story on a meteorite falling in Catoosa County in 1854. The article mentioned 5 Chattanoogans, one of whom was Robert Sparks Walker, who made trip in 1941 to see the meteorite.The photo is dated May 1935.
Thomas Quinton Dudley Thomas Dudley lived on Graysville Road and was buried in the Concord Baptist Cemetery.
Dr. Forest Laury and Marion B. Small, Jr., holding 2 ducks at Grassy Cove, Cumberland County, Tennessee
Hannibal Lightfoot Original negative not kept and was damaged. Hannibal was associated with Robert Sparks Walker and the Southern Fruit Grower magazine.
William Frederick Corbly Corbly was born in Ohio but moved to Tennessee early and married in Hamilton County. He was buried in Chattanooga Memorial Park (Duck Pond).
Frank Wright's car after theft attempt Several Frank Wrights in Chattanooga at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith on their 9th wedding anniversary
Crowd at the Will Cummings Highway dedication Tennessee Legislature authorized portions of US 41 and US 11 to be the Will Cummings Highway due to the judge's diligence in improving roads. Dedication took place at Blue Springs on Will Cummings Highway in August 1935.
Speaker at Will Cummings Highway dedication Tennessee Legislature authorized portions of US 41 and US 11 to be the Will Cummings Highway due to the judge's diligence in improving roads. Dedication took place at Blue Springs on Will Cummings Highway in August 1935.